Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Module Website and Guide

Here is the link to the module guide and other resources that will help me with this module feel free to have a look its a good starting point from which I can work from and start to experiment and build my own ideas.

Welcome to the Blog

Hello welcome to my blog. I have set up this blog to experiment with action script and flash. This is for my DMG 202 module at Sunderland University where I study Design Multimedia and Graphics BA (hons). This module moves on from the flash module I did last year where I experimented with flash I created mini briefs and a final piece where you navigated around the South Marine park in South Shields. Hopefully by the end of this module I will have a wider understanding of giving flash more functionality leading to a final project creating a webpage for my Portfolio of work. So I hope you enjoy following me on my creative and informative journey who knows perhaps you may learn something yourself...